With the 2021 1 Oz Silver Taurus Tube from KOMSCO’s renowned “The Twelve Guardians” series, enter the ethereal world of zodiac lore. This coin, which embodies the tenacity, resolve, and stability of the Taurus, is a tasteful fusion of contemporary minting methods and traditional symbolism. Each coin is expertly struck, has a solid 1 ounce weight, and is purified to.999 fine silver, demonstrating KOMSCO’s commitment to excellence. This coin holds a special place in a lineage of designs honoring each zodiac sign as a part of KOMSCO’s renowned zodiac series, “The Twelve Guardians.” This coin is a must-have for investors, zodiac enthusiasts, and collectors alike due to its small mintage and appeal to all cultures. Take a trip through space with the KOMSCO 2021 1 Oz Silver Taurus Tube. This coin stands as a beacon of craftsmanship and tradition, whether as a tribute to a beloved Taurus in your life or a new addition to your growing collection.
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*All products are guaranteed authentic - sourced from the mints and refineries directly
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