
What is the difference between .999 and .9999 fine Gold ?

  By now you have probably seen different purities of Gold or Silver, the most common ones being .999 and .9999. What is the difference between them? What these numbers essentially determine is the percentage of the fine metal; so it would be 99.9% and 99.99%. They are both very high levels of fineness. The…

Difference Between Gold and Bitcoin

  For years now, investors have been using Gold as a hedge against inflation and investment during recessionary periods. However, after the last recession in 2008, we were introduced to Bitcoin, a decentralized cryptocurrency that neither the government nor the Federal reserve control. In other words, it’s called ‘the people’s currency’. People are confused when…

Precious Metals Market Updates Feb 1 – Feb 5

  Last week Investors, Traders, Gamblers, and everyone else that heard the news about pumping Silver got their hopes crushed after failing to pump the white metal. All this news circulated from the Reddit page ‘r/wallstreetbets’, however it was later reported to be fake news put in by hedge funds to recover from their Gamestop…

Factors That Affect Gold Prices

  For years now investors, analysts, and economists have been watching the fluctuations in Gold prices to develop better strategies on how to be profitable and learn best times to be buying precious metals. Here are some factors that can have affect on Gold prices for you to keep in mind for your next precious…


  If you are an investor looking for a hedge against inflation and are looking towards Gold to do that, you are at the right place. For decades now we have seen investors put their cash to good use by purchasing assets that will appreciate in value over time. One of the predominant assets that…