
Category: Gold Bars

Buying Gold and Silver Bullion in Quebec City

Quebec City is the capital city of Quebec. This Canadian city is home to approximately 542k residents. Quebec city is incredibly popular and continues to expand its population day by day. With such a large population, there are a lot of bullion investors in Quebec City. Bullion is a well-known, and reliable way to preserve…

Buy Gold and Silver Royal Canadian Mint in Vancouver

Gold and Silver is a reliable asset that appreciates over time. Gold and Silver have proven over the centuries to be a fine hedge against inflation and erosion of major currencies. Gold and Silver offer protection against unstable times and have a universal value. They have a high liquidity rate which makes it easy to…

What to Look out For When Buying Gold Bars in Canada

  Finding a Reputable Dealer Before buying gold bullion products, one should always conduct research beforehand to find a reputable and trustworthy dealer. Google dealers in your area and verify ratings, as poorly rated companies will deliver poor customer service or products. Dealers who operate out of a storefront usually incur more costs than dealers…