
Category: Gold Price Canada

What High Gold Prices Say About the Weak US Dollar and What It Means for Investors

Explaining the Correlation Between Gold Prices and the Weak Dollar   In general, prices for gold tend to climb throughout times of weaker US dollar and decline during times of stronger currency. The US dollar’s decreasing worth can cause inflation since it makes buying the same amount of goods and services more expensive. Investors may…

The Recent Gold Heist in Toronto Airport & How to Keep Your Gold Safe?

The Toronto Airport Gold Heist   Airports serve as important locations for both the transportation of goods and passengers. Sometimes, the value of that cargo can be substantial. According to Canadian authorities, valuables, and gold totalling more than $20 million went missing on Monday, April 17. This is quite unusual. An extensive police investigation was…

Identify Fakes: An Expert Guide to Gold/Silver Bullion

  A terrific approach to diversify your portfolio and reap from the potential appreciation of precious metals is to invest in gold or silver bullion. Yet, it’s vital to ascertain that the investments you make are genuine. After all, there is always a chance that you will make an unauthentic purchase while. Assessing the Packaging:…

Spotting Counterfeit Coins and How to Protect Yourself

What are Counterfeit Coins? Coins that are counterfeited are made to look like real coins but were not struck by a legitimate mint or government organisation. To trick investors or coin collectors into paying more than the coins are worth, counterfeit coins are frequently produced using inferior materials. How Do They Make it?   Casting:…

A Brief History of Johnson Matthey and Its Impact on the Precious Metals Industry

  Johnson Matthey has a rich and interesting history that spans from its humble origins as an apothecary shop to its current position as one of the most important participants in the precious metals market. Who is Johnson Matthey? Johnson Matthey, which was established in 1817, is a leader in the precious metals industry on…