
Is TD Bank Gold good?

About TD Bank Gold


Gold and Silver have been the most reliable asset for hundreds of years and has proven itself repeatedly through unstable economical times. Gold is a great way of hedging your funds against inflation and erosion of major currencies. It is a highly volatile investment that can be easily traded in for cash through jewelers, pawn shops, coin shops and banks. It is a great alternative commodity that can be used to diversify your financial portfolio. Best price guarantee for TD Bank Gold.

When buying Gold bars from Td bank, you are buying from one of the most renowned banks in Canada. TD bank itself was founded back in February of 1955. However, Td precious metals was founded later in 2010. TD stands for Toronto Dominion and it serves over 10 million people throughout the country. 

You can purchase Gold from Td through their website or order through phone. This is where the issue with buying directly from TD comes in, and really any bank. Td tends to usually have a low variety of retail stock due to security reasons. Also, having all this stock can affect their overall capital which the bank can possibly use somewhere else. Therefore, when investors want to buy Gold, the premium is usually more expensive because of the supply. If you do manage to get your hands on Td Gold bars, the delay would not be worth it. After confirming a purchase, the wait times can reach up to 3-4 weeks to actually receive your order. 

Overall, buying Gold from TD is reliable as it has been known to be a trustworthy bank over decades. Investing in Gold is never a bad idea, however personal research before buying precious metals is important. Make sure you check market situations and calculate when you would like to buy and sell for maximum return on investment. Just like any investment, accurately analyze the pros and cons, premiums and overall benefit. 

If you are looking to make your first Gold investment, take a look at our broad variety of Gold bars and coins. Au bullion provides some of the most competitive rates on the market. We strive to provide our clients with the best service through our online store, and our locations in Toronto and Vancouver.