Explaining the Correlation Between Gold Prices and the Weak Dollar In general, prices for gold tend to climb throughout times of weaker US dollar and decline during times of stronger currency. The US dollar’s decreasing worth can cause inflation since it makes buying the same amount of goods and services more expensive. Investors may…
Category: Gold Spot Price
Learn Some Bullion Terminology
What Is Bullion? A number of shapes and configurations are available for the metal currency known as “bullion,” which is leveraged for investments. A fantastic strategy to invest your money and shield it from inflation or other economic volatility is to purchase and store bullion. Bullion is made of precious metals such as…
Spotting Counterfeit Coins and How to Protect Yourself
What are Counterfeit Coins? Coins that are counterfeited are made to look like real coins but were not struck by a legitimate mint or government organisation. To trick investors or coin collectors into paying more than the coins are worth, counterfeit coins are frequently produced using inferior materials. How Do They Make it? Casting:…
Review of Gold Price Movements in the First Quarter of 2023
Overview of Gold Price Trends in Q1 of 2023 Gold prices have been on the rise in Q1 of 2023, with investors turning to the precious metal as a safe-haven asset. This trend has been driven by geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, and the ongoing pandemic. As 2023 begins, the price of gold has stabilized above…
Mixed Signals for Banks; Public Flocks to Gold & Silver
Previously we touched on the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, as well as First Republic Bank, the 2nd and 3rd largest bank failures in United States history respectively. We also asked the question on whether or not this was a contained situation or if these failures were likely to spread and cause contagion across the…